It's that time of the year agaiiiin -- Valentine's Day ! The day loved by women and loathed by men, who drop their cash on flowers, jewelry, candy, and cards. Perhaps comic Jay Leno expressed the male dilemma about Valentine’s Day best in one of his monologues: “Today is Valentine's Day—or, as men like to call it, Extortion Day!”.
Valentine’s Day is a fun, light-hearted opportunity to lavish love on those around you, but life has shown me that love rarely looks like the front of a Hallmark card. Love is less about flowers and cartoon hearts, and everything about the value of another soul on this planet. I guess that’s a little harder to put on the side of a coffee mug. I will play along this Valentine’s Day, like all the others, and I certainly hope for you to feel cherished on that day. Consider that your own Valentine’s Day – but don’t look for Hallmark to make a card for it anytime soon.
So, how did i celebrate this Valentine's Day you may ask? Well, I had my dentist appointment in the morning, and no, i haven't gotten my braces off yet, no surprise there. The only thing i was looking forward to today, is the Ugly Betty Marathon on Star World. So yeah, I spent my Vday by watching Ugly Betty for 4 hours straight, and then Titanic ; not with my boyfriend, but with the man i love since i could remember, Papa. I never seem to manage to watch that movie without tearing up a bit. Of course, i am a sucker when it comes to romantic movies , after all.
My uncle and his girlfriend dropped by for a while, Kak Finas gave me a rose, which she got it free from Forever 21 (would that make my day be anymore different?). At night, I ended up eating KFC take-aways,
So there you have it ! But as sad as it sounds like, i'm not actually so bummed about it. It's not like i expect that i would be celebrating this Valentines anyway, Ehsan's in Kelantan anyway. It's not like February the 14th is the only day we could show our love and appreciation to the significant other, right? OHH wait till he gets back, then everyday would be my valentine's day.